New Learning Theme allows you to enable advanced course enrolment pages. Course enrolemnt page is a page where users can be enrolled into a course. On the course enrolment page users can see course details (description, course sections, instructors, etc.) but not participate. Course enrolment page is a great feature if you want to sell courses, but not only. With this feature you can create course page more attractive. You don't have to install any blocks. All content is loaded automatically from course settings.

  Feature Description
Automatically creation All you have to do is to create course, add course description, image, etc. Course enrolment page will be created automatically, you don't need to set additional blocks.
Custom URL for enroll button You can set custom URL for course enroll button.
Support for all course formats Course enrolment page can be enabled for all course formats.
Additional content You can use course custom fileds to add additional content to course enrolment page such as skills, requirements or custom content section (e.g. info about certificate).
Course video You can add course video, web or local.
Course background image For each course you can set custom background image to course header.